China Discount Hotel
China Discount Hotel
China discount hotel reservation service provides hotels in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Xian and other major cities in China. Cheap China hotel rates guaranteed. China discount hotel offers useful hotels information, accommodations guide, shopping and travel guide, provides online discount hotels in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Xian and other cities in China. China discount hotel would like to invite you to enjoyable with our special discount hotel reservation and travel information in China. Beijing hotel reservation, please visit beijing hotels list.
We also accept China hotel reservations by telephone or fax! If you have no access to internet, or feel convenient to contact by phone. Please tell us your check in time, check out time, arriving time and other details such as Beijing hotels, Shanghai hotels, guangzhou hotels or hotel in xian . please contact at the hot-line phone: 0086-13621338500. Our fax is 0086-10-69181904.
Usually, credit card is not necessary to guarantee the reservation. But, some China hotels in the peaking time, such as Bamboo garden hotel Beijing, Peace hotel shanghai, just keeps room till 18:00PM if you don't offer valuable credit card info or prepayment for the reservation guarantee. During the canton fair time, some hotels need the prepayment or the credit card for the reservation guarantee. In order to let the hotel keep the room for you, we suggest you can cooperate. For private information please visit China discount hotel FAQ.
Tel: 0086-10-6918 1904 86-13621338500 Fax: 0086-10-6918 1904
For discount China hotels reservation: hotel@china discount
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