Paranormal Studies of Arkansas
Paranormal Studies of Arkansas
Paranormal Studies of Arkansas is a Non For Profit Science Based Research Organization of devoted individuals based in Yellville, Arkansas. This Organization has been out in the field since 2005 with research by our members extending back 16 plus years.
Our Mission is to study reports of Paranormal Activity in the forms of Hauntings, Alien Abduction Cases, UFO Reports, Psychic Phenomena, Cryptozoology and everything else that falls in the Unknown Categories. We Study The Environmental Conditions surrounding each case study attempting to isolate patterns to aid in the future prediction of said Paranormal Activities. This constituted our implication of Project ESP, i.e. Environmental Studies Protocol.
Paranormal is a General Umbrella Term used for labeling things unusual, unknown, and above normal (hence Para Normal) As Research Scientists we implore a variety of techniques. Utilizing Old School Thinking, Modern Technology, Scientific Methodology and Experimentation with Prototype Equipment seeking answers to many of the very questions that have been asked for eons.
None of us have the answers and that is the Fuel for our Fires. We want to understand, to know what causes people to experience the Paranormal. What causes someone to See it, or Hear it, The Experience!
It becomes difficult to measure something that does not have boundries in the field of Ghosts or Hauntings. The Science becomes a challenge using the AS SEEN ON TV Approach to the research however our trained researchers utilize many pieces of equipment again to study the environment as they were intended.
The so called GHOST HUNTING Theories are not even that more like a hyped up guess. We work with the Hypothesis and work up to a working theory. We work with facts ONLY and do not let opinions dictate the outcome of our findings. If we can find an possible solution for reported activity that rules out Paranormal.
Using equipment improperly, and using equipment for research it was not intended for by mulitple teams around the world, will get you mixed results. And in the end you still have no answers to the very riddles we are trying to answer. What is Paranormal?
Anyone or any team that says THEY are experts are misleading.
Any team that says they can cleanse an area of unwanted Spirit Activity is Dreaming. As a Prescientist (I hate the Psychic Label) I speak from experience and my own perceptions on how the Universe around us truly works. You first have to PROVE an Entity Exists, AND is present to be able to cleanse it. "Isn't that the entire reasoning behind this research to Prove it exists?"
Paranormal and ones perception of it relies heavily on ones own personal beliefs. Regardless of Religion, regardless of ones upbringing. NORMAL people do experience the Paranormal under certain circumstances. We look for those patterns, we seek those answers, We want the TRUTH. We do NOT find Paranormal at EVERY location. Matter of fact our evidence LACKS because Paranormal IS NOT Everywhere ALL THE TIME. Our research indicates it is very rare to catch ANY anomoly and that 99% of the time we can explain EVERY CASE. Its that 1% of Unknown that keeps us on our quests.
Our short visits to locations, that little snap shot of time we are present can not indicate if a place is truly active or NOT. But the wanting to know more, and helping others understand that FEAR is not needed drives us. Because of our Methods, because of our approach and beliefs There is NOTHING to FEAR out in the field. Anyone stating otherwise is looking for attention, fame, glory and a TV Show!
I challenge anyone any team to prove me wrong. The most active locations in the world does not phase me (some of our team do at times get spooked) But if you have a location you want to PROVE to me is acitve you pay my way to your Hot Spot.......... I'll not get spooked as I can use Science and My PreScientists Abilities to Prove otherwise. If you have one of those 1% locations, I won't be spooked but intrigued and walk right into the middle of the activity.
I have my own Beliefs, my own Hypothesis, and Theories that I follow that are outside the box, outside what mainstream teams are doing. So many teams are out here doing the same things copying each other using the same equipment and getting mixed results.
God created a wondrous world for us. We WILL NEVER understand ALL the secrets to some of the questions. But, feel with time Paranormal and understanding THIS LABEL, will become second nature.
We do this FREE of Charge.
We work solely on Donations, Grants, Fund Raisers, and Member Support
